To ace the C_S4CS_2011 exam and get the certification, a candidate must follow a study guide. Let’s take a look at the different preparation aspects of the C_S4CS_2011 exam.
To ace the C_S4CS_2011 exam and get the certification, a candidate must follow a study guide. Let’s take a look at the different preparation aspects of the C_S4CS_2011 exam.
Next to most current and correct data, performance is another very important factor in analytics. In the blog “How to trace widgets in SAP Analytics Cloud stories connected via HANA Live Data Connection“ ( https://www.erpqna.com/how-to-trace-widgets-in-sap-analytics-cloud-stories-connected-via-hana-live-data-connection/ ) it was already described how to grep performance data and link them to a widget in a SAP Analytics […]
Introduction E tag is used for Data Concurrency to avoid over writing of same record at the same time by different users similar to Lock objects. Scenario for Etag User 1 and user 2 will get the same record from backend , user 1 will update the data and save the record in database , […]
When we need operational efficiency and orchestration in an IT and Business workflows, Workload Automation is the best approach for Enterprise Resource Planning. We see day by day our customers, especially those using SAP to run their critical jobs with specific time constraints and committed deadline. Business jobs must run and must take less time […]
Introduction The Stacked Bar Micro Chart represents related values atop one another in order to visualise the single values as part of a whole. Stacked bar micro chart has responsive design and very low profile height-wise which makes it ideal to use it in Fiori Elements list report. In this blog, we will look at […]
1. Introduction Seasonality is an important characteristic of a time series and our Python Machine Learning Client for SAP HANA (hana_ml) offers a time series function called seasonal_decompose() which provides a seasonality test and the decomposition the time series into three components: seasonal, trend, and random noise. In this blog post, you will learn: The […]
This is regarding the requirement for Germany Enabling Flex Time and ensuring the Working Time Account doesn’t exceed more than 40hours a month. In this blog post I’m just showing the Configuration and Testing this scenario for an Employee in Germany. So, let begin…. As per the H1 2020 below Time sheet for Germany is […]
Overview: Employers may have several options while sending payments to the employees, like cash, checks or electronic payments. The most preferred choice of almost every organization would be electronic payment, also know as Direct Deposit. The reason for the choice, being safe and inexpensive option’s for all the involved parties. This brings to highlight the […]
Is the SAP Analytics Cloud or the C_SAC_2021 certification helpful for decision making in business? Follow the C_SAC_2021 study guide and pass the exam to utilize major characteristics of SAP Analytics clouds in your business.
In a separate blog post, we have discussed the problem of outlier detection using statistical tests. Generally speaking, statistical tests are suitable for detecting outliers that have extreme values in some numerical features. However, outliers are many and varied, and not all kind of outliers can be characterized by extreme values. In many cases for […]