Access free C_BRSOM_2020 sample questions to earn SAP Certified Application Associate – SAP Billing and Revenue Innovation Mgmt. – Subscription Order Management certification and easily solve 80 questions in the exam hall. For a change, C_BRSOM_2020 video study materials break the monotony of preparation and boost your knowledge. C_BRSOM_2020 practice tests work one step further and offer an excellent opportunity to check your understanding and performance. Therefore, check out the valuable study materials and take the shortest path to your SAP Certified Application Associate – SAP Billing and Revenue Innovation Mgmt. – Subscription Order Management certification.
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We all know that practice is highly beneficial to get better with any of our skills. Then how could it get wrong for the C_BRSOM_2020 exam? When you opt for the practice test exams, it helps you to face the actual exam-like questions. Moreover, you get the scope to make your preparation better through the unlimited attempt option. So, explore the C_BRSOM_2020 practice test questions for better self-assessment. When you assess yourself and work on your strengths and weaknesses, it works for your improvement and helps increase your score easily in the exam.
Overview Describe the Billing and Revenue Innovation Management Solution (BRIM) components with the basic objects in the BRIM landscape. Explain the BRIM Processes starting from Provider Order, Rate Usage, Run Dunning and end with a Credit Note. |
> 12%
Order and Contracts Describe the creation and change processes of Subscription Contract, Partner Agreement, Sharing Contract, Master Agreement, and Solution Quotation. |
> 12%
Master Data (Business Partner, Contract Account and Product Master Data) Explain the data objects Business Partner, Subscription Order/Contract, Material and the need for the BRIM Solution. |
> 12%
Integration to CC / Integration to CI and SAP Fiori Explain integration aspects within the SAP BRIM architecture (flow of data objects, mapping of data objects, integration technology and replication of the contract within BRIM). |
> 12%
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