C_MDG_1909: You Should Definitely Acquire the Study Materials/ Books & Related (Questions + Answers) to Progress in the MDG Certification Exam!!!

Have you ever thought of the syllabus-based C_MDG_1909 exam preparation materials? C_MDG_1909 video study materials and sample questions are there to boost your knowledge. C_MDG_1909 practice tests work one step further and offer you the great opportunity to check your knowledge and performance. Therefore, check out the valuable study materials and take the shortest path to your SAP Certified Application Associate – Master Data Governance certification.

Do Not Miss Out on the Beneficial Preparation Scope with C_MDG_1909 Practice Tests!!!

We all know that practice is highly beneficial to get better with any of our skills. Then how could it get wrong for the C_MDG_1909 exam? When you opt for the C_MDG_1909 practice tests, it helps you to face the actual exam-like questions. Moreover, you get the scope to make your preparation better through the unlimited attempt option. So, explore the C_MDG_1909 practice test questions for better self-assessment. When you assess yourself and work on your strengths and weaknesses, it works for your improvement and helps increase your score easily in the exam.

MDG Overview and Architecture

Provide an overview of the SAP Master Data Governance solution and it’s technical components. Describe the SAP Master Data Governance architecture, execute data modeling and change request capabilities.


  • MDG100 (SAP S/4HANA 1909) 

Consolidation and Mass Processing

Implement SAP Master Data Governance consolidation by defining the usage of match groups, scoring and best records calculations, and analytics. Define mass processing scope and processing.


  • MDG100 (SAP S/4HANA 1909)

Domain Specific Capabilities

Use Financial domain-specifica capabilities to trigger and monitor replication of financial master data. Describe and apply the Business Partner Model. Verify and adjust the Material Data Model, configure SAP Master Data Governance-Material domain specific settings, and define multi-object processing. 


  • MDG100 (SAP S/4HANA 1909)

MDG Change Request process implementation 

Define the Change Request process including workflow setup.

8% – 12% 

  • MDG200 (SAP S/4HANA 1909)

Data Quality & Analytics

Implement data validation through configuration of search, activation of side panel, and analytics. 

8% – 12% 

  • MDG100 (SAP S/4HANA 1909)
  • MDG200 (SAP S/4HANA 1909)

Data replication and key mapping

Configure, execute, and monitor data replication. 

8% – 12% 

  • MDG200 (SAP S/4HANA 1909)

Custom Objects and Solution Extensions

Extend and define your own Data Models, and use Solution Extensions by Utopia. 

8% – 12% 

  • MDG200 (SAP S/4HANA 1909)

MDG Project Execution

Activate SAP Master Data Governance and define customizing exchange for typical MDG landscapes. 


  • MDG200 (SAP S/4HANA 1909)

Data Load and Import

Define data download, upload, and importing. 


  • MDG100 (SAP S/4HANA 1909)

Get A Glimpse of the Real Exam Like Questions & Answers in PDF Format!!!

Tags: C_MDG_1909 study material, C_MDG_1909 syllabus, C_MDG_1909 books, C_MDG_1909 practice test, SAP Certified Application Associate – Master Data Governance, Master Data Governance, Master Data Governance certification, C_MDG_1909 certification guide

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