Have you ever thought of the syllabus-based C_THINK1_02 exam preparation materials? C_THINK1_02 sample questions and video materials are there to boost your knowledge. C_THINK1_02 practice tests work one step further and offer you the great opportunity to check your knowledge and performance. Therefore, check out the valuable study materials and take the shortest path to your SAP Certified Associate – Design Thinking certification.
Do Not Miss Out on the Beneficial Preparation Scope with C_THINK1_02 Practice Tests!!!
We all know that practice is highly beneficial to get better with any of our skills. Then how could it get wrong for the C_THINK1_02 exam? When you opt for the C_THINK1_02 practice tests, it helps you to face the actual exam-like questions. Moreover, you get the scope to make your preparation better through the unlimited attempt option. So, explore the C_THINK1_02 practice test questions for better self-assessment. When you assess yourself and work on your strengths and weaknesses, it works for your improvement and helps increase your score easily in the exam.
Design Thinking Methodology and Principles
Describe fundamental Design Thinking principles, overall methodology approach, the history of Design Thinking, and IT relevant areas of application. |
> 12% |
Scoping / Understand
Understand the purpose of scoping within the Design Thinking methodology; describe best practices methods for scoping and understand how they work. |
> 12% |
Research / Observe
Understand the purpose of research within the Design Thinking methodology; describe best practices methods for research and understand how they work. |
> 12% |
Synthesis / Define Point-of-View
Understand the purpose of synthesis within the Design Thinking methodology, describe best practices methods for synthesis, and understand how they work. |
> 12% |
Post production & Facilitation
Describe and use key Design Thinking workshop facilitation rules, describe how to deal with difficult team situations. Outline the key preparation activities for Design Thinking workshops, describe best practices for debriefing workshop results and drive results towards implementation. |
> 12% |
Understand the purpose of ideation within the Design Thinking methodology, describe best practices methods for ideation, and understand how they work. |
8% – 12% |
Understand the purpose of prototyping within the Design Thinking methodology, describe best practices methods for prototyping and understand how they work. |
8% – 12% |
Validation & Implementation
Explain the purpose of validation within the Design Thinking methodology, describe best practices methods for validation, and understand how they work. |
< 8% |
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Tags: C_THINK1_02 study material, C_THINK1_02 syllabus, C_THINK1_02 books, C_THINK1_02 practice test, SAP Certified Associate – Design Thinking, Design Thinking, Design Thinking certification, C_THINK1_02 certification guide