The SAP Certified Application Specialist-SAP BW 7.5, E_HANABW_13 powered by SAP HANA certification exam assures that a candidate has the knowledge of implementing and modeling SAP BW powered by SAP HANA.
E_HANAAW_17 Exam: Proven Steps to Get Success
The E_HANAAW_17 or SAP Certified Development Specialist-ABAP for SAP HANA certification exam confirms that the candidate has the knowledge of programming ABAP for SAP HANA needed by the profile of an SAP ABAP development consultant.
Anomaly Detection in Time-Series using Seasonal Decomposition in Python Machine Learning Client for SAP HANA
Introduction The detection of anomalies from a given time-series is usually not an easy task. The natural association with time brings many unique features to time-series that regular 1D datasets, like time-dependency(via lagging), trend, seasonality, holiday effects, etc. Because of this, traditional statististical tests or clustering-based methods for anomaly/outlier usually will fail for time-series data, […]
Inventory upload using MBBM – (LSMW method step by step)
Inventory upload is must for task for lots of project during cut-over tasks. There are many method to upload initial stock. In this blog, I’m covering inventory upload option using MBBM transaction with LSMW with all details. Note: MBBM can be used directly (without LSMW or BDC), if you can manage excel format for each […]
Merchandise Distribution and ABAP
I recently was requested to implement a feature for merchandise distribution in SAP for putaway and cross-docking methods. There are other methods like stock-placement, flow-through, and others however I will concentrate only on the mentioned ones. Merchandise distribution consists in to group the storage transfer orders from plants to the distribution centers and create purchase […]
SAP Cloud Platform Integration- Connecting Microsoft SQL Sever
Introduction: JDBC connectivity to On Prem Database Systems-it was long awaited feature in SAP Cloud Platform Integration space. Latest release finally have option to work on it. Lets see how to work on the same. Scenario: Lets consider 3 most used concepts from integration perspective. Setup your SAP Cloud Connector: Follow below tutorial to install […]
SAP Analytics Cloud Story with HANA Live Connection ABAP Cache Warmer
Next to most current and correct data, performance is another very important factor in analytics. In the blog “How to trace widgets in SAP Analytics Cloud stories connected via HANA Live Data Connection“ ( ) it was already described how to grep performance data and link them to a widget in a SAP Analytics […]
Etag In Odata
Introduction E tag is used for Data Concurrency to avoid over writing of same record at the same time by different users similar to Lock objects. Scenario for Etag User 1 and user 2 will get the same record from backend , user 1 will update the data and save the record in database , […]
HCL Workload Automation and SAP best performance together
When we need operational efficiency and orchestration in an IT and Business workflows, Workload Automation is the best approach for Enterprise Resource Planning. We see day by day our customers, especially those using SAP to run their critical jobs with specific time constraints and committed deadline. Business jobs must run and must take less time […]
Identification of Seasonality in Time Series with Python Machine Learning Client for SAP HANA
1. Introduction Seasonality is an important characteristic of a time series and our Python Machine Learning Client for SAP HANA (hana_ml) offers a time series function called seasonal_decompose() which provides a seasonality test and the decomposition the time series into three components: seasonal, trend, and random noise. In this blog post, you will learn: The […]