Simplify your ODATA service with a lean and flexible architecture

SAPUI5, ABAP Development, NW ABAP Gateway (OData), SAP Fiori

Once i started learning SAPUI5, i noticed something was not right on the entire data flow. Selecting fields in SEGW, updating service again, updating structure due to new requirements, function imports, annotations, deep inserts, entire SEGW was really burden for the project. There was no way i could implement something in a good mood. After […]

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Excel Upload and Download Program with multiple tabs from Fiori Launch Pad(Web GUI)

ABAP Development

Introduction There could be multiple scenarios where an excel upload and download using ABAP Report Program or a Odata service with different sheets or tabs in a Excel needs to developed as shown in the below screenshot. Excel Upload with multiple tabs: There has been multiple instances where most of the developers tend to use […]

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SQL Script for ABAP Managed Database Procedures(AMDP)-Code pushdown for a better performance!

ABAP Development

We all are aware of the term “code pushdown” in the SAP HANA database and how it helps us in improving the performance of the application. When it comes to performance intensive applications say an analytical report, the bottleneck lies in moving the records between the database server and the application server. The time taken […]

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