When we are doing integration between Cloud – Cloud and Cloud to On-Premise, then we have multiple types of Authentication to access the API’s. User Credentials: User Id and Password OAuth 2.0 Credentials: Client secure url, Client ID , Client Secret and Scope OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code: Atheization URL, Token URL , Client ID, Client […]
SAP CPI – Encryption and Decryption using PGP keys
When we are doing HR or Bank related integration here main factor is data secure, so one of way is encrypt data using PGP keys. In this tutorial I am going to explore How to generate PGP Keys using Kleopatra Software How to Encrypt data using PGP Public key in SAP CPI How to Decrypt […]
Setup a synchronous web service call from AS ABAP to an external system using Java only PIAS ABAP to External System: Java-Only PI Synchronous Web Service SetupSetup a synchronous web service call from AS ABAP to an external system using Java only PI
This blog post describes the setup of a synchronous web service call from AS ABAP to an external system. In this example walk through, the PI is Java only and an API named “genericCall” is called in the target system. Scenario: The web service call is initiated from the AS ABAP backend (e.g. ERP or […]
Build SFTP with docker and use BTP Cpi to test the OP SFTP Service
Today I supported a customer for CPI sftp call. I blog down the test process for your reference. The prerequisite is: Docker has been install on your laptop. SAP Cloud connector has been installed and configured on you laptop You have configured BTP Cloud platform integration suite. You have installed WinSCP to test SFTP service […]
Salesforce integration with SAP PO Rest Adapter using SFDC Bulk API Concept
This is blog how to connect with SFDC via REST adapter using SFDC bulk API concept. (without BPM) When to use Bulk API? Bulk API is based on REST and is optimized for loading or deleting large sets of data. We can query, insert, update, upsert, or delete many records asynchronously by submitting batches. Salesforce […]
New features for Integration Flow tooling – PI Configuration Search and Where-Used
SAP Process Integration is a part of the SAP NetWeaver platform. It is called SAP NetWeaver Exchange Infrastructure XI in NetWeaver 7.0 ehp2 and older versions. SAP NetWeaver Process Integration is a part of the NetWeaver software component and is used for exchange of information in company’s internal system or with external parties.
Facilitate JWT with Auth0 and OpenAPIs on SAP PO
Overview Identity providers like Auth0 allow companies to “outsource” the hard work of hosting an own identity provider solution by leveraging open standards like Oauth2 and JWT (JSON Web tokens). By that you could establish a trust between your API and Auth0 as authentication service. An API client would then authenticate itself in Auth0 and […]
Consuming RESTful Service using JSON body parameters
Introduction This is a scenario for connect a basic SAP-to-REST synchronous interface using JSON body parameters. Motivation I ran into this problem, I had to research about the specific configuration to use JSon as parameters in the body, not in the request header. Next, I’ll share the solution I’ve come up with… System versions SAP […]
SAP PI/PO Communication Channel Tool
Purpose In this blog post I will show you how can you work this a new communication channel tool in order to start or stop a channel in SAP PO from a SAP ABAP Program. My system My System: SAP S/4HANA 1909 and SAP PO 7.5 SAP Note relevant 2691666 – How to extract PI […]
SAP Process Integration Test Tool (PIT) – News in SP20
With SP20 we enlarge the test strategy supported by PIT Tool. Until now it was only possible to do positive tests. Positive testing is based on the assumption that a message, which was successful in the source system, is expected to be successful in the target system as well. A positive test checks, that the […]