Create multipart/form-data service with forwarded basic authorization using JIRA REST API

SAP Process Orchestration

Business background Recently I’ve received interesting requirement: integrate SAP system with Atlassian’s JIRA software to enable creating new issues directly from SAP GUI. Because this software provides its own REST API it seemed to be an easy task. However, creating new issue is not enough, because user reporting some kind of an issue would like […]

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SAP API Management JavaScript and serviceCallout policy along with SAP PO use-case

SAP Process Orchestration

Overview:- We use DynamicConfigurationBean bean to edit the message header for adapter-specific message attributes also to add, delete attributes from message headers. We usually use this when we develop pass-through interface using File and SFTP adapter, recently I came across a situation where I need to send (just pass-through) file from SFTP server to REST […]

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