How to Avoid Accidental Data Deletion in MDF Portlets

SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite, SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central, SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central - Employee Profile, SAP SuccessFactors Platform

The frequent occurrence of accidental data deletion is largely attributed to human error and can result in the loss of critical employee or system data which may cause dominoes effect across the system landscape, and other consequences. While there are remedial measures such as running audit reports and data retrieval to address such incidents, it […]

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Learning License User Types in SAP SuccessFactors Learning

SAP SuccessFactors ?Platform, SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite, SAP SuccessFactors Learning

SAP SuccessFactors licenses for Learning classify the users into two License user types, “Active” or “Functional”. It is important to classify the users into right type for compliance with the licenses purchased by the customer. Difference between Functional user and Active user: The Learning management system does not differentiate between an Active and Functional User. […]

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Auto Generate Career Path External Code

SAP SuccessFactors Succession, SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite, SAP SuccessFactors Platform, SAP SuccessFactors

Purpose: In this blog, the user will learn how to create system-generated external code for a career path in SAP SuccessFactors Career Development Planning. Career Path: The Career Path displays information about the expected path for a position or various positions. HR managers and HR administrators can create multiple new career paths and associate them […]

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