SuccessFactors Mobile puts all this worries to rest:
• Security -Our cloud solutions meet the highest security standards. We apply the same high principles to our mobile applications. If you already trust the cloud, there is no reason to be skeptical about the security of our cloud mobile apps.
• Investment. No one likes asking for money. Luckily for you, SuccessFactors mobile apps are free and are included as part of your SuccessFactors subscription.
• Simplicity. Deployment of our mobile apps does not require technical skills. Your SuccessFactors administrator can configure and enable your mobile workforce quickly
Recruitment Functionalities
Steps to Activate your Mobile App-
To get Activation Code, install & launch the SF Mobile App on your device
Follow the steps on the App
Linking SF to Mobile App:
To Enter your Activation Code
- Sign into SF
- Click on Options, then Mobile
- Enter this Activation Code
- Success Message – Your Device has been activated
Enabling Features on Provisioning
Mobile Admin V2
“Enable Mobile Features” – Activating Mobile Features for Mobile Users
This will bring you to the “Mobile Settings” page. On the “Enable Mobile Feature” tab you will see two distinct sections:
- ‘Mobile Specific’ features
- ‘Modules’ features
Under “Mobile Specific” you can see and control all the basic mobile functionalities, such as Theming, on device support, PIN, etc.
Checking the check box will turn ON the functionality for all authorized mobile users.
Unchecking the check box will turn OFF the functionality for all authorized mobile users.
On the lower half of the ‘Enable Mobile Features’ screen you will find “Modules”. There you can see all the Success Factors modules that are currently deployed in your instance and have mobile capabilities available
Checking the check box will turn ON all the mobile functionality associated with this module for all authorized mobile users. Unchecking the check box will turn OFF all the mobile functionality associated with this module for all authorized mobile user.
“Manage Permission Roles” – Granting Mobile access to users
It is time to figure out which users are going to receive access to the Success Factors mobile app. For this, you will need to take into consideration the size of the group, the bandwidth of the team that will have to prepare the notification and answer the questions from the end-users and the legal intricacies of turning on a new enterprise mobile application for your end-users.
Once you’ve decided on a deployment strategy and you know who you want to grant mobile access to, follow these simple steps:
- Go back to the “Administration Tools” page
- Click on the “Mobile” section
- Select “Manage Permission Roles”
Mobile Admin V2
Mobile can be enabled/ disabled per user or group. The modules enabled in Mobile Admin V2 by the admin will be then available to all users, respecting the user rights for features that has been granted on the web.
For Role-based Permission (RBP) Deployments
In RBP deployments, clicking on ‘Manage Permission Roles’ will take you to the “Permission Role List” page. Here you can activate mobile for any permission role that is already defined.
To enable ALL users in a single click
- In the Permission Role List, select “All Employees”
- In the Permission Role Detail page, Click on the “Permission…” button
- Select “General User Permission”
- Check “Mobile Access”
- And click “Done”
To enable targeted user groups
If you want to select specific group of users to have a controlled rollout strategy, then follow the steps above, but instead of “All Employees” you should select the targeted groups. You can also create a new specific “Mobile” group if needed.
You can give mobile access rights to as many groups of users as you wish, and gradually roll out mobile to different group of users.
“Manage Mobile Users” – Monitor Mobile adoption and manage your Mobile Users
Once everything has been setup properly, you can now relax and look at the mobile adoption trend from your end-users.
All you need to do is go to the “Manage Mobile Users” section of the “Mobile” settings page
This will bring you to the “Manage Mobile User” administration page, which displays all the users that have activated at least one mobile device. This list also shows how many devices have been activated per users.
From this page, clicking on the “Export All Mobile Users” button will download in a CSV file the full list of mobile users and the number of devices activated each one of them has activated.
Clicking on a name or searching for someone specific will bring you to the user’s device page, where you will be able to view the detail list of all devices activated for this users.
Clicking on the garbage bin on the right side of a device line will remote wipe the application from the device, preventing any future use of the SuccessFactors application on this device. This action will of course also wipe any cached information that was stored on the device.
At the bottom of the page, you will have the ability to resend the mobile activation email for a specific user. This functionality is only available if you have turned ON the Mobile Notification feature.