Define House Bank in SAP
House bank of a company code is represented by a bank id through which you can process payment transactions. It is used for the purpose of payment programme, check deposit, automatic payment program (APP), and bank reconciliation
- A house bank in SAP is identified by a 5 character alphanumeric code. Each house bank ID is unique within a company code and a company code can have multiple house banks.
- Each house bank in SAP system is associated with a country key representing the country where the bank is located.
- House banks can have more than one bank account id, account ID is unique for a specific bank ID and company code. The account ID is used for entering specifications for the payment program and for updating the G/L Account Master records
SAP R/3 IMG Path : – SPRO >> Financial accounting >> Bank accounting >> Bank accounts >> Define house banks
Transaction code : – FI12
Step 1 : – Enter transaction code FI12 in the SAP command field and press enter
Enter the company code and enter
Step 2 : – Click on “New Entries”.
Update the following fields
1. House Bank : – Enter the 5 character alphanumeric code
2. Bank Key : –Enter Bank key (Read more how to create bank key)
3. Communication data :- Enter the telephone number and contact person
Click on save icon to save the configured data. Successfully you have created house bank in SAP.
Bank Accounts
Click on bank accounts option to maintain details of bank.
In next screen, Update the following details.
1. Account id: – Update the two digits account id
2. description: –Update the description of bank id
3. Bank Account number: – Update your bank account number
4. Currency: – Update the currency of bank account
After maintain all the details, click on save button to save the configured bank details.