How to Hold a G/L Document Posting

A user may want to temporarily save the document under following conditions

1. G/L Document is not complete
2. User does not has complete or accurate information
3. User wants to complete or correct the document at a later stage

Under such situations , you can HOLD a document without posting the document amount in the G/L Accounts. Here is an Demo for Holding a G/L Account Document Enter Transaction Code FB50 for G/L Account Posting in SAP Command Field

How to Hold a G/L Document Posting

In the next screen , Enter the following

1. Enter Document Date
2. Enter G/L Account To be Credited
3. Enter Credit Amount
4. Enter G/L Account To be Debited
5. Enter Debit Amount

How to Hold a G/L Document Posting

Press Hold Button

How to Hold a G/L Document Posting

In the next screen, Enter the Temporary Document Number and Press Hold Document

How to Hold a G/L Document Posting

Check the status bar for the document to Held

How to Hold a G/L Document Posting

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