PLM Quality Management (QM)

How to get old value and New value for Inspection characteristics


The Purpose of this blog to provide the information about how to get the changed the results values for Inspection characteristic for an inspection lot.This is one of the common business requirements to have report which shows Old value and new value when the user change results for Inspection characteristics from results recording.

Also Read: What is SAP QM Certification?


To get the changed values for any inspection characteristic;We must make the check Mark for “RR Change Docs”.

Due to this setting, System will generate the Change document when the change occurs in results for this MIC. This setting can be done at MIC level or it can be selected in control indicators from Inspection plan. these change documents can be seen in “CDPOS” table.

Now will see how functionality of “RR Change Docs” works.

Step-1: Creation of Inspection lot Manually

T-code: QA01

Path: SAP Menu – Logistics – Quality Management – Quality Inspection – Inspection Lot – Processing – QA01 – Create

Follow the above path or Enter the T-Code QA01. System will direct below screen. Here Enter Material, Plant and Inspection Lot Origin.

After entering the above details press enter or continue then system open the below screen. Here Enter the Batch if the Material is batch managed, Insp.Lot Qty and then Press enter Key.

Once Press enter Key, System automatically assign the tasks list and calculate the sample Size then save the inspection lot.

Step-2: Results Recording for Inspection lot 890000000153

T-code: QA32 / QE01

Path: SAP Menu – Logistics – Quality Management – Quality Inspection – Worklist -Inspection Result – For Operation – QE01 – Record.

Enter the Inspection lot number and press enter. System direct to below screen and record the results and save it.

Note: Initial result for Length is 4.5

Step-3: Change the value for inspection characteristics in Result recording

T-code: QA32 / QE02

Path: SAP Menu – Logistics – Quality Management – Quality Inspection – Worklist -Inspection Result – For Operation – QE02 – Change

Enter the Inspection lot number and press enter. system direct to below screen and change the value to 5.8 by put in process and save the inspection lot.

Note: Inspection result for Length entered as 5.8 Now.

As I mentioned, Due to “RR Change docs” indicator selection system will generate the change document with old value and newly updated value for this inspection characteristic.

For Quantitative MIC:

Step-4: Get the inspection characteristic value from QAMR table

To Know the Inspection characteristics which are having changes in their results we have to check in QAMR table through below logic.

Technical Logic:

Pass (Inspection lot) PRUEFLOS_QAMR to QAMR table along with (RR change docs) QAMR_AENDBELEG= X then get the value of QAMR_MERKNR(Characteristic), QAMR_VORGLFNR (Node Number).

As per the above logic, Go to SE16N, Enter Table QAMR and give the inputs i.e Inspection lot i.e890000000153 in the field of inspection lot and select the Inspection lot, Node number, characteristic and change docs fields in QAMR and execute.

After execution with above input values, will get the entries for the inspection lot as below.

Here Characteristic 20 having indicator X that means characteristic 20 from the inspection lot 890000000153 result was changed. Since there was change in the value, this X indicator got updated in the table.

Step-5: Get old value and New value for Inspection characteristics from CDPOS table

To get the old value and New value for inspection characteristic which are having indicator X in QAMR table, we must combine the values of PRUEFLOS (Inspection lot), VORGLFNR (Node number), MERKNR(Characteristic) to get OBJECTID

PRUEFLOS (Inspection lot): 890000000153

VORGLFNR (Node number): 00000001

MERKNR(Characteristic) :0020

Example for OBJECTID: 890000000153000000010020

Technical Logic:

Pass this combined value to OBJECTID_CDPOS field of CDPOS table along with CDPOS_OBJECTCLAS=QAMR, CDPOS_FNAME= ORIGINAL_INPUT and get the value of VALUE_OLD and VALUE_NEW

As per the above logic, Go to SE16N, Enter Table CDPOS and enter the input values as mentioned in the logic and execute.

Once executed the CDPOS table with given inputs, above results populated by system. From the table results we can see that Old Value is 4.5 and New value is 5.8

For Qualitative MIC:

Repeat the step No:1 to 3,

Step-6: Get the Qualitative inspection characteristic value from QAMR table

To Know the Inspection characteristics which are having changes in their results we have to check in QAMR table through below logic.

Technical Logic:

Pass (Inspection lot) PRUEFLOS_QAMR to QAMR table along with (RR change docs) QAMR_AENDBELEG= X then get the value of QAMR_MERKNR(Characteristic), QAMR_VORGLFNR (Node Number), KATALGART1(Catalog Type), GRUPPE1(Code Group) and CODE1(Code)

As per the above logic, Go to SE16N, Enter Table QAMR and give the inputs i.e Inspection lot i.e 890000000153 in the field of inspection lot and select the Inspection lot, Node number, characteristic and change docs fields in QAMR and execute.

After execution with above input values, will get the entries for the inspection lot as below.

Here Characteristic 10 having indicator X that means characteristic 10 from the inspection lot 890000000153 result was changed. Since there was change in the value, this X indicator got updated in the table.

Step-7: Get old value and New value for Inspection characteristics from CDPOS table

To get the old value and New value for inspection characteristic which are having indicator X in QAMR table, we must combine the values of PRUEFLOS (Inspection lot), VORGLFNR (Node number), MERKNR(Characteristic) to get OBJECTID

PRUEFLOS (Inspection lot): 890000000153

VORGLFNR (Node number): 00000001

MERKNR(Characteristic) :0010

Example for OBJECTID: 890000000153000000010010

Technical Logic:

Pass this combined value to OBJECTID_CDPOS field of CDPOS table along with CDPOS_OBJECTCLAS=QAMR, CDPOS_FNAME= CODE1 and get the value of VALUE_OLD and VALUE_NEW

As per the above logic, Go to SE16N, Enter Table CDPOS and enter the input values as mentioned in the logic and execute.

Once executed the CDPOS table with given inputs, Below results populated by system. From the table results we can see that Old Value is ACCP and New value id REJC

Step-8: Get short text for Codes for old value and New value from QPCT table.

Pass the VALUE_OLD and VALUE_NEW from CDPOS table to QPCT table along with KATALGART1(Catalog Type), GRUPPE1(Code Group) and CODE1(Code) from Step-6 and execute.

From the output of the QPCT table, we can see the values for old value and New value for Qualitative MIC.

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