The below blog focusses on the Output Management Configuration and execution of Account Statement forms.
Steps to be followed for configuration :
Configure the below set of Views.
Note: This can be also done via SPRO.
V_T048B : Allocate Program for Automatic Correspondence
V_T048I : Call Options of Correspondence Types
V_T048O : Allocate Output Management for Automatic Correspondence
APOC_C_FORMV : Form Template
APOC_C_EMAILTV : Email Template
APOC_C_CHANNELV : Channel Print/Email
V_FIN_CORR_VRNT : Define Custom Variants for Correspondence Types
V_FIN_CORR_TYPE : Assign Labels and Company Codes
Once the above configuration is completed the Form can be tested by the below two ways :
- In case of Fore ground processing or testing use the below Fiori application
Create Correspondence‘F0744A’)/S21OP
Now Click on the preview you can see the below Standard OM form in the output
Email sending functionality is also possible using send email button :
For the background processing use the below Job scheduling Fiori application Schedule Accounts Payable Jobs as shown below :‘F2257’)/S21OP
Click on Create a new job
Select the template Correspondence : Account Statement
Set the parameters like company code and Customers
Also provide the variant name which is configured above
If you want both print and email options use the below check boxes
Once the job is scheduled you can find the logs in the below apps by clicking on the log or Results button
In-App Extensions of the Forms and Email templates
Open the Maintain Form Template Fiori application and select the Form template
Download the Form Template :
Now Open the Adobe Life cycle designer and open the XDP file as shown below and make small changes like changing logo or adding new fields or fragments
Upload the changed template to the custom form template and change the configuration with the custom form name and generate the print preview
Similarly Use the In-App Extension to change the email templates as shown below :
Open the Custom Email template and copy the standard email template
Dynamic variables shown in the above screenshot is available in the below CDS view and the view can be extended in case more variables are required for the same.
Now change the email template by changing the email subject adding additional variables in the email body, Configure the custom email template and test the same.
Thus we can change the form layout and also the email template to adapt the same to custom functionality