MM (Materials Management), PLM Project System (PS)

PO Release Strategy- Config & Pre-Requisites


This BlogPost is about PO Release Strategy. Here we have highlighted PO Release Strategy- Config & Pre-Requisites.

We need to define the parameters to initiate the release strategy. Here I have opted for Document type and Material Group, as an example/ combination for PO Release Strategy.

Most Imp – Structure CEKKO (Communication Release Strategy Determination Purch. Document) displays all fields, using which release strategy can be configured.

We will discuss:

Characteristics, class & config.

1. Characteristics

Characteristics need to be created for the attributes, on which release strategy is dependent.

As an example, we have CEKKO- BSART (Doc Type) & CEKKO- MATKL (Material Group).

  • Run transaction CT04, below screen will appear
  • Enter a characteristic name and click on the Create button
  • Select data type
  • In my case, I wanted to configure the release strategy for 1 document type
  • Selected Single Values in the Value Assignment block
  • Multiple values can be selected for Many document type
  • As displayed below, in the Addnl tab, for Reference to a table field, mention the field name as displayed below. Same as mentioned in the CEKKO structure.
  • As displayed below, in the Restriction tab, mention Class type as “032”
  • Click on the Value tab, mention value for PO Doc type, I have taken standard as NB
  • As below, similarly, create a characteristic for the Material group
  • All screenshots as mentioned below

2. Class

Class needs to be created to club all characteristics as created above for the PO release Strategy.

  • Run transaction CL02 with class-type 032
  • Provide Class description
  • Enter characteristics name as mentioned below for Doc/Order Type & Material Group.

3. Config steps for Release strategy as below –

Path – SPRO: Materials Management -> Purchasing -> Purchase Order -> Release Procedure for Purchase Orders -> Define Release Procedure for Purchase Orders.

  1. Release Groups
  2. Release Codes
  3. Release Indicator
  4. Release Strategies
  5. Workflow
  • First, select Release Group, choose Release Group, below screen will appear
  • Opt new entries & provide description/Name of the Release Group, in my case as “AS”
  • Choose class & provide a description as below.
  • Second, select Release Codes, choose Release Codes, below screen will appear
  • Enter release code against the Release group.
  • Here we have entered 10 & 20 with “10 = A & 20 = B”, as below
  • Opted workflow = 1 (Role resolution with the group, code, and plant).
  • Save it
  • Third, select Release Indicators, choose Release Indicators, below screen will appear
  • Enter Release ID, here I have entered 0 & 1
  • Check the released checkbox for the Release ID where PO shall be released.
  • Changeable value as 6 for PO
  • Value change: After the release of PR, it cannot be changed significantly until the value mentioned.
  • Enter description
  • Fourth, select Release Strategies, choose Release strategies, below screen will appear
  • Click, New Entries button
  • Opt Release group.
  • Now, provide Release strategy and description.
  • As below, Now click on Release prerequisites
  • In the prerequisites screen, select prerequisites for each release code.
  • Here in the screenshot, there is no prerequisite for release code 10, and for release code 20, there is a pre-requisite that release id 10 has to be there.
  • Click, Continue, as below.
  • As below, Now click on Release Statuses
  • No level released, “release indicator” not Released
  • When the first level is released, “release indicator” not Released
  • When both levels are released, PO overall status will be Released.
  • Click, Continue button.
  • As below, Now click on Classification.
  • Select characteristic values, as below.
  • These values are involved in the release strategy.
  • Press the back button & save.
  • Click on workflow
  • The below screen will appear
  • Opt Release group, release code, object type & ID.
  • Displayed as below.
  • SU01 ID displayed as below “Reviewer 1 & Reviewer 2”
  • PO created with Doctype “NB” & Material grp as in release str…
  • Release str triggered, as below

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