MAN Production Planning (PP)

Print confirmation slip with NACE


This is my first blog post and I will try to guide you on how to create an output message for print after GR/GI with NACE.

Recently I was looking for details about this configuration on SCN, but I didn’t find any simulation with NACE and production order confirmation slip. So, according to this, I decided to create this blog with my knowledge about this configuration.


This is very helpful when you need to print the confirmation slips with the GR/GI.

How configure

First, go to tcode NACE. Here you can configure a new output type or use some already created.

These configurations can be done in tcode NACT too.

For example, I will create a new output type, copied from WF02 (GR Prod. Ord.). You can use the WF02 if you don’t want to create a new entry, and just update the programs and FORM routine if necessary.

So here, for the application “ME” (Inventory Management) I create the output type WF04 (I decided to copy all entries).

Here you have many configurations, check the details.

You can create a Z program to print a custom form or PDF/SF. In this example, I don’t will update theses programs, so, I will usage the standards programs.

After this, is necessary to update the Procedures from “ME” (Inventory Management).

An output determination procedure groups together all output types of an application. For Inventory Management, output determination procedure ME0001 is predefined.

In the control, insert a new step of the Procedure. Here the procedure ME0001 has many steps, you can decide the order of execution. For example, the output type WF04 is step 210, so before that, I have other outputs types executing too.

To finish the configuration in NACE, just need to update the condition records for output type WF04 (or other). You can use tcode MN21, MN22, and MN23 too.

So here, we will use the event type WR, use print version 1.

The print version specifies the version of the GR/GI.

  • Individual slip (version 1): In this case, one GR/GI slip is printed out for each item;
  • Individual slip with inspection text (version 2): In this case, one GR/GI slip is printed out for each item. Also, a quality inspection text is printed if there is one in the material master record;
  • Collective slip (version 3): In this case, a collective slip including all the items in a document is printed.

See the documentation for more information (F1).

We’ll configure three fields.

  • Print item: We will use “1” for the system print the Material Document;
  • Message transmission: can by determined some types (like bellow), but in this case, was configurated “1” or print output;
  • Dispatch time.

The last option is the Dispatch time. Can be dispatch manually, scheduled periodically, processed when the application document is saved or specific programs.

For manually, scheduled periodically (JOB) use the program RSNAST00. In this case, is immediately when saving the application (4).

In communication, select the output device to print and enable the checkbox “Print immediately”.

Before testing, make sure this configuration:

  • what is the user name in the material document header? (Display material document). Does this user have parameter NDR=X in their user master record (tcode: SU3) ?
  • if the print version of tcode CO15 (or other tcode about confirmation) in printer settings (OMBR) is configurated in the same way that you configurated in event type (WR) on condition records. So, see below.


Now, let’s go see the results.

Create a production order and confirm in CO15. Remember, you can use any transaction for confirmation, just need to keep the configuration for them.

After this, I just check the tcode SP01 and “VOILA”, the system generate a print.

If you have some problems with print, display the material document in MIGO, and check the output.

Here you can see the logs if necessary.

All this configuration is available in SPRO.

Read the documentation in SPRO in case of problems with this scenario, maybe can help you.

If you need some problem check these SAP Note/KBA:

  • 426554 – Output determination checklist for goods movements;
  • 522591 – FAQ: Output determination in inventory management (IM);
  • 411013 – Additional documentation on output determination in MM-IM.
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