In many requirement graphical charts are required by the clients since a graph is much more appealing to the user. As graphs enables a better analysis of data to the user. It is however quite simple to provide the same functionality for building graphical charts in your ABAP report itself by using CL_IGS_CHART_ENGINE.
Recently I had the requirement of printing Charts on Smart forms. In Smart forms we can print the image if the image is already uploaded to the Form Graphics (SE78). I search through the SCN but doesn’t find the solution of printing the charts on Smart forms. Then I had an idea of uploading the graphical image generated by CL_IGS_CHART_ENGINE dynamically to Form Graphics (SE78). I have used the same functionality as used in Form Graphics (SE78) import to upload the image dynamically in Form Graphics.
Create a Sample smart-Form to display the Graphical Chart generated by the custom function module.

TD_NAME is the name of the graphical chart generated dynamically by the custom function module YTESTCHART.

Delete the graphics after printing.

Print Preview of the Smart Form

FUNCTION ytestchart.
*"*"Local Interface:
" IM_TDNAME Image name to be printed on smartforms
" EX_STXBITMAPS Image reference data generated dynamically
" Call This FM in the smartforms to generate image
DATA: xt_sflight TYPE flighttab,
g_ixml TYPE REF TO if_ixml,
x_ixml_data_doc TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document,
x_ixml_custom_doc TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document,
x_cl_igs_chart_engine TYPE REF TO cl_igs_chart_engine,
x_image_mime TYPE w3mimetabtype,
x_image_size TYPE w3param-cont_len,
x_image_type TYPE w3param-cont_type,
width_tw LIKE stxbitmaps-widthtw,
height_tw LIKE stxbitmaps-heighttw,
width_pix LIKE stxbitmaps-widthpix,
height_pix LIKE stxbitmaps-heightpix,
dpi LIKE stxbitmaps-resolution,
bds_bytecount TYPE i,
bitmap_file_bds TYPE sbdst_content,
lo_bds_object TYPE REF TO cl_bds_document_set,
xt_bds_components TYPE sbdst_components,
x_bds_components TYPE bapicompon,
xt_bds_signature TYPE sbdst_signature,
x_bds_signature TYPE bapisignat,
xt_bds_properties TYPE sbdst_properties,
x_bds_properties TYPE bapiproper,
x_stxbitmaps TYPE stxbitmaps,
x_object_key TYPE sbdst_object_key.
" Get Sample Data For the Chart/Graph
SELECT * FROM sflight INTO TABLE xt_sflight.
g_ixml = cl_ixml=>create( ).
" Generate XML for the chart
PERFORM create_data_demo USING x_ixml_data_doc xt_sflight
CHANGING g_ixml.
PERFORM create_custom_demo USING x_ixml_custom_doc
CHANGING g_ixml.
" Generate Image Using CL_IGS_CHART_ENGINE
x_cl_igs_chart_engine = NEW #( ).
CALL METHOD x_cl_igs_chart_engine->set_data
data_doc = x_ixml_data_doc.
CALL METHOD x_cl_igs_chart_engine->set_customizing
custom_doc = x_ixml_custom_doc.
CALL METHOD x_cl_igs_chart_engine->execute
IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL.
" Get Image to upload to SE78
CALL METHOD x_cl_igs_chart_engine->get_image
image = x_image_mime
image_size = x_image_size
image_type = x_image_type.
color = 'X'
format = 'BMP'
resident = ' '
bitmap_bytecount = x_image_size
compress_bitmap = ' '
width_tw = width_tw
height_tw = height_tw
width_pix = width_pix
height_pix = height_pix
dpi = dpi
bds_bytecount = bds_bytecount
bitmap_file = x_image_mime
bitmap_file_bds = bitmap_file_bds
format_not_supported = 1
no_bmp_file = 2
bmperr_invalid_format = 3
bmperr_no_colortable = 4
bmperr_unsup_compression = 5
bmperr_corrupt_rle_data = 6
* Save bitmap in BDS
lo_bds_object = NEW #( ).
x_bds_components-doc_count = '1'.
x_bds_components-comp_count = '1'.
x_bds_components-mimetype = 'application/octet-stream'.
x_bds_components-comp_size = bds_bytecount.
APPEND x_bds_components TO xt_bds_components.
x_bds_signature-doc_count = '1'.
APPEND x_bds_signature TO xt_bds_signature.
CALL METHOD lo_bds_object->create_with_table
classname = 'DEVC_STXD_BITMAP'
classtype = 'OT'
components = xt_bds_components
content = bitmap_file_bds
signature = xt_bds_signature
object_key = x_object_key
* Save bitmap header in Database Table STXBITPMAPS
x_stxbitmaps-tdname = im_tdname.
x_stxbitmaps-tdobject = 'GRAPHICS'.
x_stxbitmaps-tdid = 'BMAP'.
x_stxbitmaps-tdbtype = 'BCOL'.
x_stxbitmaps-docid = xt_bds_signature[ 1 ]-doc_id.
x_stxbitmaps-widthpix = width_pix. " Width and hights can be changed
x_stxbitmaps-heightpix = height_pix.
x_stxbitmaps-widthtw = width_tw.
x_stxbitmaps-heighttw = height_tw.
x_stxbitmaps-resolution = '075'.
* x_stxbitmaps-resident = 'X'.
x_stxbitmaps-autoheight = 'X'.
* x_stxbitmaps-bmcomp = 'X'.
INSERT INTO stxbitmaps VALUES x_stxbitmaps.
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
UPDATE stxbitmaps FROM x_stxbitmaps.
ex_stxbitmaps = x_stxbitmaps.
x_bds_properties-prop_name = 'DESCRIPTION'.
x_bds_properties-prop_value = 'Charts'.
APPEND x_bds_properties TO xt_bds_properties.
CALL METHOD lo_bds_object->change_properties
classname = 'DEVC_STXD_BITMAP'
classtype = 'OT'
object_key = x_object_key
doc_id = xt_bds_signature[ 1 ]-doc_id
doc_ver_no = '1'
doc_var_id = '1'
properties = xt_bds_properties
* text
* -->P_X_IXML_DATA_DOC text
* -->P_XT_SFLIGHT text
* <--P_G_IXML text
FORM create_data_demo USING p_ixml_doc TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document
pt_sflight TYPE flighttab
CHANGING p_ixml TYPE REF TO if_ixml.
DATA: l_simplechartdata TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element,
l_categories TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element,
l_series TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element,
l_element TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element,
l_encoding TYPE REF TO if_ixml_encoding,
l_value TYPE string.
p_ixml_doc = p_ixml->create_document( ).
* Set encoding to UTF-8
l_encoding = p_ixml->create_encoding(
byte_order = if_ixml_encoding=>co_little_endian
character_set = 'utf-8' ).
p_ixml_doc->set_encoding( l_encoding ).
* Populate Chart Data
l_simplechartdata = p_ixml_doc->create_simple_element(
name = 'SimpleChartData' parent = p_ixml_doc ).
* Populate X-Axis Values i.e. Categories and Series
l_categories = p_ixml_doc->create_simple_element(
name = 'Categories' parent = l_simplechartdata ).
* Here you can populate the category labels. First you need
* to create all the labels and only then you can populate
* values for these labels.
LOOP AT pt_sflight ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<sflight>).
l_element = p_ixml_doc->create_simple_element(
name = 'C' parent = l_categories ).
CONCATENATE <sflight>-carrid <sflight>-connid INTO l_value.
* Populate the category value which you want to display here.
* This will appear in the X-axis.
l_element->if_ixml_node~set_value( l_value ).
CLEAR l_value.
* Create an element for Series and then populate it's values.
l_series = p_ixml_doc->create_simple_element(
name = 'Series' parent = l_simplechartdata ).
* You can set your own label for X-Axis here e.g. Airline
l_series->set_attribute( name = 'label' value = 'Price' ).
LOOP AT pt_sflight ASSIGNING <sflight>.
l_element = p_ixml_doc->create_simple_element(
name = 'S' parent = l_series ).
* Populate the Value for each category you want to display from
* your internal table.
l_value = <sflight>-price.
l_element->if_ixml_node~set_value( l_value ).
CLEAR l_value.
* Similarly you can have number of Categories
* and values for each category
* based on your requirement
l_series = p_ixml_doc->create_simple_element(
name = 'Series' parent = l_simplechartdata ).
l_series->set_attribute( name = 'label' value = 'Max Capacity' ).
LOOP AT pt_sflight ASSIGNING <sflight>.
l_element = p_ixml_doc->create_simple_element(
name = 'S' parent = l_series ).
* Populate value for another category here.
l_value = <sflight>-seatsmax.
l_element->if_ixml_node~set_value( l_value ).
CLEAR l_value.
* text
FORM create_custom_demo USING p_ixml_doc TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document
CHANGING p_ixml TYPE REF TO if_ixml.
DATA: l_root TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element,
l_globalsettings TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element,
l_default TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element,
l_elements TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element,
l_chartelements TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element,
l_title TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element,
l_text TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element,
l_element TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element,
l_chartaxes TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element,
l_categoryaxis TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element,
l_line TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element,
l_encoding TYPE REF TO if_ixml_encoding.
p_ixml_doc = p_ixml->create_document( ).
l_encoding = p_ixml->create_encoding(
byte_order = if_ixml_encoding=>co_little_endian
character_set = 'utf-8' ).
p_ixml_doc->set_encoding( l_encoding ).
l_root = p_ixml_doc->create_simple_element(
name = 'SAPChartCustomizing' parent = p_ixml_doc ).
l_root->set_attribute( name = 'version' value = '1.1' ).
l_globalsettings = p_ixml_doc->create_simple_element(
name = 'GlobalSettings' parent = l_root ).
l_element = p_ixml_doc->create_simple_element(
name = 'FileType' parent = l_globalsettings ).
l_element->if_ixml_node~set_value( 'BMP' ).
* Here you can give the Chart Type i.e. 2D, 3D etc
l_element = p_ixml_doc->create_simple_element(
name = 'Dimension' parent = l_globalsettings ).
* For 2 Dimensional Graph write - PseudoTwo
* For 2 Dimensional Graph write - PseudoThree
l_element->if_ixml_node~set_value( 'PseudoThree' ).
* Here you can give the chart type
l_element = p_ixml_doc->create_simple_element(
name = 'ChartType'
parent = l_globalsettings ).
* For Bar Char write - Columns
* For Pie Chart write - Pie etc
l_element->if_ixml_node~set_value('Columns'). "( 'Speedometer' ).
l_element = p_ixml_doc->create_simple_element(
name = 'FontFamily' parent = l_default ).
l_element->if_ixml_node~set_value( 'Arial' ).
l_elements = p_ixml_doc->create_simple_element(
name = 'Elements' parent = l_root ).
l_chartelements = p_ixml_doc->create_simple_element(
name = 'ChartElements' parent = l_elements ).
l_title = p_ixml_doc->create_simple_element(
name = 'Title' parent = l_chartelements ).
* Give the desired caption for the chart here
l_element =
p_ixml_doc->create_simple_element( name = 'Caption' parent = l_title ).
l_element->if_ixml_node~set_value( 'Airline Details' ).