MAN Production Planning (PP)

Production Planning in a cross Plant/Company set-up

This document explains the steps required to configure a system for Production planning in a cross Plant/Company set-up. Many members post questions with a bit of variation regarding this scenario. Hopefully, This blog will address the below 2 scenarios.

  Company Plant  Header Mat  Item  Item  Item 
Scenario 1   7000 7001 311 312 250  321 
7000 7001 250  271     
Scenario 2   7000 7001 311 312 250  321 
8000 8001 321 327    

Business Scenario 1: Different Plant in same Company code

The customer is placing a Sale Order in the 7001 plant.

The manufacturing’s of the products are happening in different plants.(i.e Assembly of the product happening in the plant (7001) and Semi-finished products are produced in another plant(7002)).

The demand from 7001 plant should come to 7002 plant and need to produce them according to the requirement.

After manufacturing the semi-finished product, the products from 7002 plant stock will be shipped(Stock transport Order) to the assembly plant (7001) for the assembling process.


Master Data:

Material Type Number Plant  Example  BoM  Routing  PV 
FERT 1 7001 311 ✓  ✓ 
HALB  7001  250       
ROH  7001  312       
HALB  7002  250  ✓  ✓ 
HALB  8002  321  ✓  ✓  ✓ 

Master Data Changes:

Material Plant  Procurement Special Procurement
311 7001 E  
250 7001  F 90
312 7001   
250 7002  70
321 7001  80 
321 8002 F 70

For 321 material maintain the same changes.


Special Procurement Key: 70,80 and 90.

Special Procurement Key: 70 in SFG manufacturing plant

Special Procurement Key: 80 and 90 in FG/Assembly plant

Demand in both Plants (7001,7002)

In the 7001 plant, we will get STO PR. PR can be converted in STO purchase order. The item category will be “U”.

Please continue the normal STO process.

Business Scenario 2: Different Plant in different Company code

The customer is placing a Sale Order in the 7001 plant.

The manufacturing’s of the products are happening in different plants.(i.e Assembly of the product happening in the plant (7001) and Semi-finished products are produced in another plant(8002) under 8000 Company code).

The demand from 7001 plant should come to 8002 plant and need to produce them according to the requirement.

After manufacturing the semi-finished product, the products from 8002 plant stock will be shipped(Stock transport Order) to the assembly plant (7001) for the assembling process.

Demand in both Plants (7001,8002)

In the 7001 plant, we will get STO PR. PR can be converted in STO purchase order. The item category will be “U”.

Please continue the normal STO process.

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