Push Notification in SAP – ABAP Push Channel, ABAP Messaging Channel in SAPUI5 – a Real Time Interaction

As you know, nowadays most of the popular applications we are using are based on the real time notification as a main service. Real time update is the demand of the hour and every organization is moving in this direction to be ahead in the competition.

Real Time Notifications provide the end users and stake holders the latest up-to-date information about application data and state, without having the need to use the refresh button to get the updated data from the backend system.

In this article, we would learn how to create our first Real Time Client Server Communication using ABAP Push Channel (APC) and ABAP Messaging Channel (AMC). We would show you all the required components of this architecture and you can implement a working example using the step by step process.

The basic architecture is shown in this schema above:

Follow the below steps to implement a real time interaction scenario:

1. Create ABAP Push Channel

i. Go to SE80 transaction and create ABAP Push Channel

ii. Give some name to your ABAP Push Channel “ZTEST_APC” :​​

iii. Click on Generate Class and Service button as mentioned below:

Once the generation is successfully done, a new class ZCL_APC_WSP_EXT_ZTEST_APC will be created.

iv. You need to re-define the ON_START method​​ and ON_MESSAGE method​​ of the generated class to activate it.​​ Hit the Re-define icon.​​ The code snippet for ON_START is provided below.

The class should be​​ Active​​ now.

2. Create AMC (ABAP Messaging Channel)

Go to SE80, Create -> Connectivty -> ABAP Messaging Channel

Add the following information:

• Message Type Id (Example: /dunning_level_change)

• Activity Scope: System

Then add the following entry to list of Authorized Programs:

1. Authorized Program: ZCL_APC_WSP_EXT_ZTEST_APC (Class was created in the previous step) ​​​​

Prog. Type: CLAS​​

Activity:​​ Receive via APC WebSocket

2. Authorized Program: ZCREATE_USER (Must be created as a report, we’ll explain with further details in the next steps)

Prog. Type: REPS

​​ ​​Activity: Send


We have already informed you to re-define the ON_START method. Now simply add the following code:


DATA: lo_binding TYPE REF TO if_apc_ws_binding_manager.

DATA: lx_error TYPE REF TO cx_apc_error.

DATA: lv_message TYPE string.

* bind the APC WebSocket connection to an AMC channel

​​ TRY.

​​ lo_binding = i_context->get_binding_manager( ).

​​ lo_binding->bind_amc_message_consumer(

​​ i_application_id = ‘ZTEST_AMC’

​​ i_channel_id = ‘/dunning_level_change’ ).

​​ CATCH cx_apc_error INTO lx_error.

​​ lv_message = lx_error->get_text( ).



In the above code snippet:

I_APPLICATION_ID​​ is​​ the name of the messaging channel we’ve already created.

I_CHANNEL_ID​​ is​​ the channel identifier 

4. Create the report​​ program: ZCREATE_USER

ZCREATE_USER : ​​ is an ABAP Report used for​​ adding​​ users to the ZUSER table. Once the addition​​ is successfully done, we invoke the APC to notify the dunning level change.


tables zuser.

data wa_user type zuser.


​​ lo_producer TYPE REF TO if_amc_message_producer_text,

​​ lv_message TYPE string.

​​ lv_message = ‘Dunning level has been changed. Reload the page to view the updated dunning levels’.

​​ SELECTION-SCREEN begin of block block1 with frame title text-001.

​​ ​​​​ PARAMETERS: p_user type string.

​​ ​​​​ PARAMETERS: p_first type string.

​​ ​​​​ PARAMETERS: p_last type string.

SELECTION-SCREEN end of block block1.


wa_user-FIRSTNAME = p_first.

wa_user-USERNAME = p_user.

wa_user-LASTNAME = p_last.

INSERT zuser from wa_user.

  • Code to invoke the APC to notify the dunning level change

​​ TRY.

​​ lo_producer ?= cl_amc_channel_manager=>create_message_producer(

​​ i_application_id = ‘ZTEST_AMC’

i_channel_id = ‘/dunning_level_change’ ).

​​ lo_producer->send( i_message = p_first ).

​​ CATCH cx_amc_error INTO DATA(lx_amc_error).



ZUSER​​ is a simple table where we​​ have our data.

  • CREATE_MESSAGE_PRODUCER​​ will be triggered once a new entry is added to the table with two parameters i_application_id, i_channel_id.
  • SEND​​ method will send the customizing message to the frontend part.

We created a simple​​ SAPUI5 application​​ with worklist with list of users stored in the​​ ZUSER​​ database table:​​

In the​​ onInit​​ method in the worklist controller we add the​​ initDunningRunFeed​​ method to open the connection using the​​ WebSocket​​ between SAPUI5 Application and APC which will raise the​​ IF_APC_WSP_EXTENSION~ON_START​​ method (which is already implemented):​​

initDunningRunFeed: function() {

var that = this ;

varhostLocation = window.location,

​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ socket, socketHostURI, webSocketURI;

​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ if (hostLocation.protocol === “https:”) {

socketHostURI = “wss:”;

​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ } else {

socketHostURI = “ws:”;

​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ }

socketHostURI += “//” + hostLocation.host;

webSocketURI = socketHostURI + ‘/sap/bc/apc/sap/ztest_apc’ ;

​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ // varoSocket = this.oSocket = new sap.ui.core.ws.SapPcpWebSocket(webSocketURI,

​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ // sap.ui.core.ws.SapPcpWebSocket.SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS.v10);

​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ socket = new WebSocket(webSocketURI);

socket.onopen = function() {};

socket.onmessage = function(dunningRunFeed) {

​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ if (dunningRunFeed.data !== undefined) {





​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ ‘You ve added a new user : ​​ ‘+ dunningRunFeed.data,


​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ “APC Notification”, [sap.m.MessageBox.Action.OK]

​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ );

​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ }

​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ };

socket.onclose = function() {};

​​ ​​ ​​​​ },

If a new entry is added to the​​ ZUSER​​ data base table,​​ the ​​ socket.onmessage​​ callback will be triggered. Inside this callback we perform a new refresh to the model to make the list updated.​​

We hope, you know how to create a simple OData Service and redefine the method USERSET_GET_ENTITYSET.

data ls_user type zuser.
data lt_user type TABLE OF zuser.
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