Reset Existing Delta Sync Configuration in SAP CPI (Cloud Platform Integration) for SuccessFactors Interface

In this blog i will provide the overview of the scenario where we would need to reset the Delta Sync Configuration for SuccessFactors and the steps to reset the Delta Sync Configuration

What is Initial Load?

Initial load is something where ALL the data present in SuccessFactors is transferred to the ERP or S/4 HANA system

What is Delta Load?

Delta load is something where only the data which is changed in SuccessFactors is pushed through to the ERP or S/4 HANA system.

Consider a case where the N number of employees are updated in SuccessFactors and all the employee data has been already read by SAP CPI system and due to some issue the data was not transferred to S/4 HANA system. In this case, if you need to transfer all the employees again then you must make some dummy changes in all the employees such that CPI system reads it again.

Real-time example would be, where all the employees with photo were read successfully and transferred to S/4 HANA system. Employees were completely transferred but the photo was not updated due to some error at S/4 side. Now once the issue is fixed if you want to transfer the photo, then you must do some delta changes in the successfactors for the photo such that the iFlow is triggered again and the data is read.

But this method would be huge waste of time if there are lot of employees. In such cases you can reset the delta sync configuration and redploy the iFlow, such that initial load is enabled. The procedure for it is as follows –

1. Reset Delta Sync Configuration for Photo

  • Start Eclipse.
  • Open Integration Designer
  • Double-click on your tenant from the Explore node on the left below.
  • In the open tenant screen, select the Data Store Viewer
  • Select the data store name sap_global_store with visibility sap.SFSFEC.sfsfec2s4hana.PhotoReplication.
  • And then you can see the global variable entry list in the Properties
  • Select the global error_occurred and error_occured_current
  • Select the Delete Entry button on the right side beside Save
  • Select the data store name sap_global_store with Visibility sap.SFSFEC.sfsfec2s4hana.PhotoIntegration.
  • Select the global lastRunDateTime_ph variable that is used in Photo iFlow for delta.
  • Select the Delete Entry button on the right side beside Save

2. Reset delta sync configuration for Employee Master Data Replication

  • Start Eclipse.
  • Open Integration Designer
  • Double-click on your tenant from the Explore node on the left below.
  • In the open tenant screen, select the Data Store Viewer button.
  • Select the data store name sap_global_store and visibility sap.ec2erp.ECToERPMasterDataReplication.v1.
  • And then you can see the global variable entry list in the Properties tab.
  • Select the global PV_LAST_MODIFIED_DATE variable that is used in Employee iFlow for delta.
  • Select the Delete Entry button on the right side beside Save

3. Reset Delta Sync Configuration for Cost Center

  • Start Eclipse.
  • Open Integration Designer
  • Double-click on your tenant from the Explore node on the left below.
  • In the open tenant screen, select the Data Store Viewer
  • Select the data store name sap_global_store and visibilitysap. S4HANA.s4hana2sfsfec.CostCenterIntegration.
  • And then you can see the global variable entry list in the Properties
  • Select the global lastRunDateTime_cc variable that is used in Cost Center iFlow for delta.
  • Select the Delete Entry button on the right side beside Save

4. Reset delta sync configuration for Organizational Assignments Replication

  • Start Eclipse.
  • Open Integration Designer
  • Double-click on your tenant from the Explore node on the left below.
  • In the open tenant screen, select the Data Store Viewer
  • Select the data store name sap_global_store and visibility sap.PA_SE_IN.ec2erp.SFSFtoSAPOrgAssignmentReplication.V1.
  • And then you can see the global variable entry list in the Properties
  • Select the global LAST_MODIFIED_DATE variable that is used in Organizational iFlow for delta.
  • Select the Delete Entry button on the right side beside Save

5. Reset Delta Sync Configuration for Employee Availability

  • Start Eclipse.
  • Open Integration Designer
  • Double-click on your tenant from the Explore node on the left below.
  • In the open tenant screen, select the Data Store Viewer
  • Select the data store name sap_global_store and visibilitysap.S4HANA.s4hana2sfsfec.EmployeeAvailabilityIntegration.
  • And then you can see the global variable entry list in the Properties
  • Select all global variables, right-click and select Delete Entry.
  • Select the data store name Calendar_ResendStore and visibilitysap.S4HANA.s4hana2sfsfec.EmployeeAvailabilityIntegration.
  • And then you can see the global variable entry list in the Properties
  • Select all global variables, right-click, and select Delete Entry.
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