- Pricing functionality within SAP CRM is provided by Internet Pricing and Configurator (IPC) application
- IPC is a JAVA based application
- The IPC is responsible for pricing throughout the entire SAP CRM application
- Pricing data can be maintained within CRM system, or it can be downloaded from ERP
- Possible scenarios:
- Scenario without ERP integration:

Pricing maintained within CRM
- Scenario with ERP integration:

Pricing maintained in ERP
- Settings related to pricing can be maintained within customizing in SAP CRM:

SPRO settings related to the Pricing in SAP CRM
Elements of CRM Pricing
Following are the elements of CRM Pricing:

Elements of CRM Pricing
Pricing Procedure
- Pricing in SAP CRM is based on Pricing Procedure
- Pricing procedures in CRM have a source (CRM or ERP)
- Pricing Procedure defines:
- the valid condition types
- calculation sequence of condition types in the transaction
- subtotals that are created and displayed on the pricing screen
- what all manual processing of pricing is possible
requirements to be fulfilled in order that a specific condition type is taken into account
- The Pricing procedures are defined in Customizing:
- SPRO -> Customer Relationship Management -> Basic Functions -> Pricing -> Define Settings for Pricing -> Create Pricing Procedure
- You need to manually setup the determination of the pricing procedure

Elements of Transaction that can influence Pricing
- Pricing procedure determination is influenced by following elements:
- Sales organization
- Distribution channel
- Document pricing procedure (assigned to transaction type)
- Customer pricing procedure (assigned to business partner as billing data in sales area data)
- Division (optional)

Pricing Procedures
- The Pricing Procedure can be determined in below customizing path:
- SPRO -> Customer Relationship Management -> Basic Functions -> Pricing -> Pricing in the Business Transaction -> Determine Pricing ProcedureCondition Type
- The Condition Type defines the characteristics and attributes of a condition
- You can define a condition type for every type of price, surcharge, or discount that occurs in your business transactions
- Condition type determines:
- category of condition
- how it is used
- calculation type
- scale base
- It is possible to set a condition type as an automatic surcharge or an automatic discount
- SPRO -> Customer Relationship Management -> Basic Functions -> Pricing -> Pricing in the Business Transaction -> Determine Pricing ProcedureCondition Type

Condition Types in Pricing Procedures
- Condition types are defined in Customizing:
- SPRO -> Customer Relationship Management -> Basic Functions -> Pricing -> Define Settings for Pricing -> Create Condition Types
- Condition types in CRM have a source system:
- local = CRM
- other system (such as R/3)
- Via CRM Middleware, it is possible to load SAP ERP condition types into the SAP CRM system. SAP CRM condition types cannot be loaded into the ERP system
- Also, some of the ERP condition types cannot be used within the SAP CRM system
- Within the applications, condition types are referred as Pricing ElementAccess Sequence
- Access Sequence in Condition Type defines a search strategy that CRM system uses to search for valid data in a specific condition type. It comprises of one or more accesses
- These accesses are each defined by a condition table
- The sequence of the accesses controls the priority of the individual condition records
- The accesses tell the system where to start searching after a valid condition record
- Access sequences are defined in Customizing:
- SPRO -> Customer Relationship Management -> Basic Functions -> Pricing -> Define Settings for Pricing -> Create Access Sequences
- The combination of fields (keys) that identify an individual condition record is defined by a condition table
- Thus, condition table defines the combination of fields that an individual condition record consists of
- The condition table consists of a combination of search and result fields
- Path to define Condition tables in customizing:
- SPRO -> Customer Relationship Management -> Basic Functions -> Pricing -> Define Settings for Pricing -> Create Condition Tables
- Following are name ranges defined for the condition tables:
- Once defined and assigned to a transaction type in the customizing, Pricing Procedure is used to calculate the pricing for the relevant objects in the Transaction
- For example below is a scenario:

Pricing Procedure execution in SAP CRM
- Here, transaction has a product, for which Pricing Procedure found is 0CRM1
- System will now run all the Condition Types within this particular Pricing Procedure
- Thus, it will start with the first Condition Type, i.e., PR00, which in this scenario is calculating the price
- PR00 condition type is having reference to the Access Sequence ZPR0
- Thus, the Access Sequence ZPR0 is followed for the Price
- This Access Sequence calls two condition Records
- One of these condition types is found as not available for this particular data in the transaction
- It is calculating the Price based on another Condition Record
- In the similar fashion, all the Condition Types in concerned Pricing Procedure are processed
- In this example, 0K07 is executed for Customer Discount and 0KA0 is executed for Sales Promotion discount
- Based upon all the Condition Type executions, different components of price are found
- Thus using all this data, it calculates the net price of the product in the current transaction
- Customers can see the final pricePricing in CRM Web UI
- Price elements can be maintained within the CRM Web UI
- It is added to various roles within the CRM Web UI. For example, users having Sales Professional role can find the Prices within the Sales Operations:

Prices search within Sales Operations work centre page
- Following is the search page for the Price element
- User can also create new price element using the New button

Search page for Prices
- Following screen within CRM Web UI helps create a new Price Element with the required and relevant data like Sales Organization, etc.

Create page for Prices
CRM Billing
- CRM billing can be used for the invoicing related to the transaction within SAP CRM
- In general scenario, CRM system is connected to the ERP system for billing related processing
- But SAP CRM also provides functionalities related to Billing process in the form of CRM Billing
- Billing processing within CRM consists of following steps:
- Input processing
- Billing
- Output processing
- As part of the Input processing, CRM billing takes over the billing-relevant items from different business transactions. These items are stored as billing due list items
- During the Billing process, CRM Billing can group the related billing due list items from different CRM transactions into a joint billing document
- The billing due list can process the due list items
- It can process the due list items as part of an individual billing
- Also, it can process due list items as part of collective billing
- Output processing consists of:
- Invoice output
- Transfer to SAP Financials
- Retrieval in SAP BI
- The Billing output is performed using the SAP SmartFormsCRM Billing Document in CRM Web UI
- CRM Billing documents are to various Business roles (for ex., SALESPRO) within SAP CRM Web UI
- Billing Document can be found in the Sales Operations Work Center

Billing Documents in the Sales Operations
- Following is the search page for the Billing Document within the CRM Web UI

Billing Document search within CRM Web UI
- Different data related to the Billing Document can be seen within different assignment blocks in the Billing Document OverView page:

Billing Document assignment blocks within CRM Web Ui
As shown in the below screenshot, details of the individual assignment blocks
- Billing Document Details: Presents general data related to the Billing Document like the Payer details and the relevant dates
- Prices: This assignment block shows different price values along with the quantity relevant to this Billing Document
- Items:These are the Items considered within this Billing Document for the Pricing

Assignment Block data for Billing Document – I
- Other assignment blocks (screenshot below):
- Transactions: CRM transactions relevant to this Billing Document
- Follow-up Transactions: Transactions created as follow-up to this Billing Document
- Notes: Different type of text relevant to the Billing Document

Assignment Block data for Billing Document – II