SAP Integration Suite, SAP Process Orchestration, Cloud Connector, SAP Process Integration, SAP BTP

SAP PO to Integration Suite | Migration Assessment Tool

SAP Integration Suite is a new age solution designed to streamline the integration of SAP and non-SAP systems. Integration Suite extends its reach to integrate Cloud and On-premises applications, data sources and APIs.

SAP is encouraging customers to transition older integration solutions (like PI/PO) to a more unified and cloud centric solution which is the Integration Suite. This means that now we must consider doing migration assessments from PI/PO to Integration Suite.

Fortunately, SAP provides a ready to use Migration Assessment tool with the Integration Suite subscription.

High level process flow of how we can achieve the Migration Assessment

Pre-requisite: Application subscription to Integration Suite in your BTP subaccount.

Preparation: When you intend to do the assessment on SAP PO which is hosted on-premises using a tool which is enabled by Integration Suite, a cloud hosted service, you must make sure that you have a valid and secure connection well established, this is where we use SAP Cloud Connector service.

SAP cloud connector is a service hosted on-premises and is connected with BTP subaccount and further leveraged by Cloud/SaaS applications. The diagram below provides a general overview:

On-Premise setup and configurations:

Once installed, you can perform the configuration by logging into the Cloud connector using the url – Access https://localhost:8443, initially with Name “Administrator” and Password “manage”, password to be changed on initial logon.

Provide the BTP subaccount details where you have your Integration Suite subscription and save.

Check for successful connection with BTP subaccount on the top bar of the Cloud Connector logon page.

Now, we will have to create a new connection with the backend SAP PI/PO system.

In the Cloud Connector, on the left side bar, click ‘Cloud to On-Premise’ and click on ‘add’ system

From the drop-down options select ‘SAP Process Integration’

Next, provide the protocol (HTTP/HTTPS)

Next, provide PI/PO host and port information, note that this must be accessible from Cloud connector host.

Next, provide a virtual host and port, which will be mapped to the actual ones

Next, choose the option to use Virtual host and port

Next, check Internal host and finish the configuration

Under the check result if we see ‘Reachable’ comment that means we have a successful connection from Cloud Connector to SAP PO. Otherwise, troubleshooting may be required.

In addition to this we will have to expose following PO services for Migration assessment (service names are listed below)


Add each of the services here with path and all sub paths selection

This is where our Cloud Connector configuration is completed.

Configurations and Setup on cloud:

To check the connectivity from Integration Suite, log in to Integration Suite, click ‘monitor’ from the left pane and select ‘integrations’

Go to the ‘Cloud Connector’ tab, provide location ID that was defined during Cloud Connector setup and click on ‘Send’

If you get a message like below, we have a successful connection between Cloud Connector and the Integration suite which also means we have successfully connected to On-premise PO system.

Now, that we have the connectivity set up and we can proceed with the assessment.

Please make sure that you have a valid SAP PO user setup with the following roles/authorizations and that you have the user credentials.




Let us now explore how we can perform the assessment on PI/PO environment.

Data extraction:

On the Integration Suite, select ‘Access Migration Scenario’ -> ‘create requests’

On the left had panel, select ‘settings’ to add the on-premise PO system

add to the fields. Remember the credentials we created in PO and the location ID of the cloud connector.

now we can select the system and perform test. look out for ‘successfully connected’ message

Now that this is done.

Click ‘Request’ -> ‘Data Extraction’

create data extraction request

provide a request name of choice and the system (that we created in previous step)

as soon as you click ‘create’ the extraction starts, look out for the ‘in progress’ message.

This will take a while, wait for ‘completed’ message. monitor the logs in the meantime.


Once the extraction is completed. we have to go to ‘Scenario Evaluation’

Click on ‘create’

The following fields will be filled based on the data extraction we ran in the previous step, specially the ‘data extraction request’ name

Click create and watch out for evaluation completed status

Download the artefacts

Assessment result interpretation:

The artefacts contain an excel sheet and a pdf document

In the excel we will get two sheets. ‘Evaluation by integration scenario’ and ‘Full evaluation results’.

Let us look at ‘Evaluation by integration scenario’ first. This will give a list of all the Integration scenarios that are available in the PO system

Notice the three attributes – ‘weight’, ‘T shirt size’ and the ‘Assessment category’.

The ‘Assessment Category’ signifies how easy or difficult it is to migrate the Integrations to Integration Scenario. See following definitions for assessment categories

  • Ready to migrate: can be migrated automatically using the migration tool, some post migration efforts may still be required.
  • Adjustments required: Can be migrated partially by the tool and remaining adjustments will have to be performed before activating the scenario.
  • Evaluation Required: means that the tool could not evaluate the migration scenario and that manual assessment is required.

‘Weight’ and ‘T shirt size’ are indicators of the efforts required for the migration.

T-shirt sizing is derived based on below rules

Looking at the ‘Full Evaluation Results’, we will see a set of ‘rules’ against each ‘integration scenario’

Each rule will indicate the interfaces engaged and each of these rules will have respective weightage

The sum of all the weightage for rules will provide the weightage of the Integration Scenario.

Another important thing to note is that even if one of the rule is categorized as ‘Evaluation required’ then the whole Integration scenario will be marked as ‘Evaluation required’ and should be dealt with accordingly, similarly for ‘Adjustment required’ cases.

The pdf from the assessment reports provides a lot of details too.

The summary provides the efforts estimated and a view of the assessment category

a pie chart view of the assessment categories

The report will also provide Sender and Receiver adapters count that will be migrated and that may not be supported.

Estimations by effort classification

Tabular view of the efforts required for each T shirt size – against the assessment categories

In the report, there are recommendations provided for the migration approach, eg. Reference templates from Integration suite can be used.