Using Custom MDF to Record Education Information and Identify the Highest Education Level

Business Scenario Some customers maintain their employee’s education background information in SuccessFactors and want to identify the highest education level among all records. For example, if an employee completed his/her university graduation, master’s degree and the PhD, the company would like to know his/her highest education level (in this case PhD), without having to go […]

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How to add blocks of the SAP SuccessFactors People Profile to your SAP SuccessFactors Work Zone

SAP SuccessFactors, SAP SuccessFactors HXM Core

Introduction Following the idea of a seamless user experience the SAP SuccessFactors Work Zone offers a variety of options to integrate content coming from SAP of third parties into a page and or workspace. Today we will focus on how elements from SAP SuccessFactors can easily be integrated into a workspace leveraging the roles & […]

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